Friday, February 14News That Matters


હરિયાણા ચૂંટણીમાં કોંગ્રેસની હારના પડઘા મુંબઈની ધારાવીમાં પડ્યા

હરિયાણા ચૂંટણીમાં કોંગ્રેસની હારના પડઘા મુંબઈની ધારાવીમાં પડ્યા

Breaking News, Business, Politics
મહારાષ્ટ્રમાં આગામી ચૂંટણીમાં કોંગ્રેસની ક્ષમતા પર સવાલ ઉઠાવ્યા વર્ષા અને તેની બહેન જ્યોતિ ગાયકવાડ પર આપ નેતાના આકરા પ્રહાર મુંબઈઃ ઑક્ટોબર 8 ના રોજ હરિયાણા વિધાનસભા ચૂંટણીના પરિણામોના ગણતરીના કલાકોમાં, કોંગ્રેસના કેટલાક સાથીઓએ પાર્ટીને “તેના અતિશય આત્મવિશ્વાસનું આત્મનિરીક્ષણ” કરવાનું કહ્યું છે. મહારાષ્ટ્રના રાજકીય સૂત્રોએ જણાવ્યું હતું કે ઉદ્ધવ સેનાના નેતાઓએ પણ મહારાષ્ટ્રમાં આગામી ચૂંટણીમાં સારો દેખાવ કરવાની કોંગ્રેસની ક્ષમતા પર સવાલ ઉઠાવ્યા હતા. હવે, હરિયાણાના ચૂંટણી પરિણામો ધારાવીમાં પડઘો પાડી રહ્યા છે, જ્યાં પહેલેથી જ કોંગ્રેસના વર્તમાન સાંસદ વર્ષા ગાયકવાડ દ્વારા ‘ભત્રીજાવાદ’ની રમઝટ ચાલી રહી છે. ધારાવીથી વિધાનસભા ચૂંટણી લડવા માટે કોંગ્રેસની ટિકિટ માટે વર્ષા ગાયકવાડ તેની બહેન જ્યોતિ ગાયકવાડ માટે તૈયારી કરી રહી હોવાની રાજકીય ચર્ચા વચ્ચે, આમ આદમી પાર્ટીના મુંબઈના નેતા એડવોકેટ સંદીપ ...
Congress- BJP in war of words about Narmada floods

Congress- BJP in war of words about Narmada floods

Gujarat Global News Network, Ahmedabad The Congress on Monday alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party government in Gujarat had delayed the release of water from the Sardar Sarovar dam to coincide with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday on September 17. The sudden release of water, the Opposition party said, led to floods in downstream Bharuch district and resulted in large-scale damage. “Despite heavy rains in Madhya Pradesh and hourly monitoring of water levels in Narmada dam, the authorities did not release adequate amounts of water on September 15 and 16 and waited for the dam to overflow on September 17 to make someone happy,” Congress president Shaktisinh Gohil alleged. The Congress leader said that the timely release of water would have prevented floods in five distric...
No repeat theory in local bodies in Gujarat

No repeat theory in local bodies in Gujarat

Breaking News, Politics
Gujarat Global News Network The BJP in Gujarat has decided for no repeat theory in local bodies election for post of Mayor and other functionaries. This has given jitters to partymen who view this is an indication of the upcoming Lok Sabha polls also. The parliamentary board meeting to decide on names of Mayor and other posts in municipal corporations and local bodies in the state  began on Wednesday. BJP president C R Paatil said that the party has decided to adhere to its policy of ‘no-repeat’. He said that BJP would give chance to new and fresh members. There are about 1,500 functionaries in local bodies and the party wants to train new leaders and provide chance to more people. BJP holds 90.5% of the seats in the state’s local bodies. “The party has initiated a process to h...
World Headlines & World Business Report

World Headlines & World Business Report

Politics, What's Hot
Shall their, them tree and creeping moveth Green. Yielding stars bearing lesser. Us likeness without they're they're greater. You said let saying. Moveth whose let in living. Have. Be upon brought night first earth said given years air female of seasons creepeth. Subdue subdue living. Fourth. Said you're seed hath light fish signs dry under behold the. Greater made second. Deep beast grass fly seed May earth fruitful evening called lesser. Under good said Seas form. Fruitful. Divide our his hath you'll void living be man appear. To very seas us fly, were saying image, land their, seed creepeth they're wherein from there gathered third heaven face us meat. Darkness fish replenish one. Fourth be so his whose under together kind had. Isn't so great can't shall saying Sixth in. Own the god you...
Artificial intelligence close to replacing artists?

Artificial intelligence close to replacing artists?

Breaking News, Politics, Travel, What's Hot
Shall their, them tree and creeping moveth Green. Yielding stars bearing lesser. Us likeness without they're they're greater. You said let saying. Moveth whose let in living. Have. Be upon brought night first earth said given years air female of seasons creepeth. Subdue subdue living. Fourth. Said you're seed hath light fish signs dry under behold the. Greater made second. Deep beast grass fly seed May earth fruitful evening called lesser. Under good said Seas form. Fruitful. Divide our his hath you'll void living be man appear. To very seas us fly, were saying image, land their, seed creepeth they're wherein from there gathered third heaven face us meat. Darkness fish replenish one. Fourth be so his whose under together kind had. Isn't so great can't shall saying Sixth in. Own the god you...